I was tagged with this on Facebook, but it was an awful lot of work to just post it there, so I'm posting it here and not tagging anyone specific.
I love fairy tales, but only the ones that are kind of dark or sad. (Which is most of them, before Disney gets to them.)
I really want a big dog, like a French mastiff, but I worry that it would hurt Marlowe.
I watch House like it's a game show, trying to figure out if I can guess the diagnosis first. Sometimes, I win.
I wear flip-flops all year, even during the winter when my toes turn blue because I think feet should look like feet.
I sing myself to sleep every night.
I always cry in the shower, even when I'm not feeling sad. If I don't cry, I don't feel clean when I get out.
If a song doesn't make me feel happy enough to dance around or sad enough to cry, I don't like it.
My dad dressed in a clown costume and pulled me in a wagon in a parade when I was 18 months old. A picture of it was in the paper.
I know the entire script of Annie by heart, including all the lyrics to every song and every line by every character.
I don't feel like college prepared me, in any way, for an actual career, even though the places that hire me think that I'm qualified.
I seriously hate Jello, especially the green, yellow and orange flavors.
The first nickname I've ever had was from Justin. He calls me Bumblebee.
Speaking of Justin, we have a secret handshake that we do every night before bed, even when we're not together.
The best haircuts I've ever had were ones that I gave myself.
When I talk on the phone with my mother, even if it's not a serious conversation, I get really stressed out and pace around the house like a crazy person.
I am comfortable with the fact that I don't want kids, but it still hurts my feelings when people get offended if I mention it.
I love pictures (paintings or photographs) of trees, especially if they're silhouettes.
About once a month I always crave something disgusting like those little wax soda bottles filled with kool-aid or Cadbury crème eggs.
The meanest thing my dad ever did to me was throw my hot pink crayon out the car window on a road trip, but he doesn't remember doing it.
I love Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, and I'm a total Snicket pusher. READ THEM.
My favorite food is strawberry shortcake, Texas style, with angel food cake, not sugar biscuits.
When I was a little girl, I always prayed at bedtime that my bicycle would turn into a unicorn before I woke up.
I think all flowers should be yellow, white, orange or green.
Every time I go anywhere (grocery store, restaurants, clothing shops) for something specific, they are out of whatever it is that I left the house for.
I'm a nice girl. I don't like it, and I always wish that I could be one of the cool mean girls, but it never works out that way.