G.I.S.T. 34:365

1. We had "Christmas" at my dad's house today. Food, family, cute kids and presents!

2. A new crock pot. I don't use them for very much, partially because my old one is too small to be very useful, but how great would it be to be able to wake up and have lunch (yes, I usually get up around lunch time) already done?

3. Noting that I'm prettier, and have a nicer body than the models that Leonard Nimoy used in The Full Body Project. D'Liesa got me the book, which I've wanted forever, for Christmas. Hurray for an ego boost and a great gift!

4. Making actual, huge, progress cleaning at my aunt's house today.

5. Realizing that Justin can pop my back on my bed, saving me a trip to the floor (which hurts my ribs) and the chiropractor (at least for a few more months).

6. The cameras I got for my niece and nephews are their favorite present of the day.

Wage a battle against embitterment and take part in 365 Days of Grace in Small Things.

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