G.I.S.T. 33:365

1. My siblings will be back from my mother's today. The holidays can officially begin! (Technically, the 12 days of Christmas last until January 5, so we're not *that* behind.)

2. Watching movies late into the night with Justin, who I haven't really seen in 2 weeks. Nothing says "Christmas" like Sweeney Todd.

3. Learning to knit (not crochet, as it turns out, I'm multi-talented) a hat. (In one night, not 20 years, like that damn scarf took.) Pictures to follow.

4. Finding the most beautiful yarn I've ever seen. Hmm, never thought I'd say that.

Wage a battle against embitterment and take part in 365 Days of Grace in Small Things.


Amanda said...

still waiting on those pictures... :)

Brinkley said...

Our camera "fell off a table", we need to get a new one :)