How we need another soul to cling to.

I love Valentine's Day. Even when I'm sad. Even when I'm lonely. Even when I feel so empty, I fear I might actually become invisible at any moment. I was never one of those girls who hated the holiday. If I was single, I hung out with my other single friends watching romantic comedies and eating chocolate and talking about the kind of love we wanted, or didn't want or thought we might want temporarily, just for fun. There were slumber parties and late night phone calls and flowers for each other. That was almost better than having a date with a significant other anyway. Actually, not even almost. It was totally better. Every time. This year, of course, I'm married. That's a built in Valentine, except that I'm working, and he's feeling overwhelmed and burnt out with school. Still, bring on the cheezy romance! And the chocolate.

1 comment:

Toddy said...

It is different being a part of a COUPLE. You have to be understanding about shit like work. BOOOOOOOORING. My bf had to work. We did celebrate Sunday though I did all the work. Le sigh. I went home and ate leftovers and drank champagne by myself and watched the bachelor. Which at first was pathetic then awesome. Oh, MY Awesome. Cheers, T.