The Hot Fat Girl Manifesto
Because being a hot fat girl is a lot of work and is undervalued or unrecognized.
Because a fat girl still has to pay more money for uglier clothes or spend 11 hours at the thrift store to find anything hot to wear.
Because if you take the elevator, people think you're lazy but if you're on the treadmill, people laugh.
Because men like John Goodman and Bernie Mac get to have careers on television but sitcom-moms-of-three still have size-two waists.
Because even feminist magazines publish fat-phobic articles under the guise of it being a "health issue."
Because anti-capitalist activists still use expressions like "fat capitalist pig."
Because girls are dieting at the age of nine.
Because side effects of the most popular diet drugs are seizures, heart failure, fecal urgency, breast cancer, lung disease, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, dangerously high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, psychosis, strokes, hallucinations and sudden death.
Because the Cooper Institute's ongoing study of 30,000 people has found that those who are fittest live the longest, no matter what they weigh.
Because the doctor who said that there were 30,000 "obesity-related" deaths each year received over $2 million in research funding from Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
Because that study prompted the FDA to approve Phen-Phen and Redux.
Because fat-hatred is a money-making industry.
Because fat people who exercise live longer than thin people who don't.
Because if you lose weight 'cause you're sick, people telling you how great you look.
Because fat-hatred is so ingrained in every single one of us, especially inside the heart of even the hottest fat girl.
Because even the most progressive people don't talk or write about it.
Because I am tired of being ignored, invisible, de-sexualized and told that I have such a pretty face.
Because it's not fat that kills, it's fear of fat.
For all that and more I am a part of the HOT FAT GIRL REVOLUTION!
(first posted in Shamless Magazine 2005)So There!
You go girl!
I think some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood are what most people consider to be 'fat.' Even just from the small picture of your face on your blog, I can see you're a very cute girl. If I was an available guy, I would venture to court you in a heartbeat. I concur with the comment above, you go girl!
I just want to say that I just accidentally stumbled onto the hot fat girl revolution and I think it's awesome.
It's so strange how the whole vision of what a sexy woman is changed 100 and some years ago, with the industrial revolution and everyone having something to sell. Prior to that, throughout history, it was the curvy gals that were the objects of desire.
Now, Hollywood with the Fashion and Advertising industries having brainwashed men into thinking this unrealistic image of what a beautiful woman is supposed to be like.
I am glad that more and more men are admitting that they find the curvy girls sexier. I have been with women of all body types and in my personal experience, curvy girls are hotter and wetter. they don't care if you mess up their hair. They're happy if you call them the next day and tend to make very loyal partners.
I salute all of you.
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