7 am Griping.

Can someone tell me why UPS insists on dropping my packages off at the post office instead of my house? It makes it take an extra day for them to get here and that is really dang frustrating. I want my new jeans!!

In other postal complaints, I was walking Maybe yesterday at about the time that the mailman came by. Maybe and I were standing on the porch waiting (Please note, she was on a leash, and could not get off the porch, also note that she is a 15 inch beagle who weighs less than 20 pounds, it's relevant, I promise). I watched him go to all the other houses on the block, and then turn and walk back to his truck. So I said "Hello? Do we not have any mail??" and he said "Yes you do, but I'm not bringing it with that dog up there." What the hell is that all about?? So I shoved Maybe into the house and said "So do you want to bring it now?" (all meanly, it was fun). And he did, but acted like it was a huge inconvenience.

Hello Mr. Mailman, its YOUR JOB to deliver the mail. It's not like my dog is big and scary...or even like she was off the leash and could possibly attack. Whatever. We've only been getting our mail every other day for the past couple of weeks anyway, and it's really starting to make me mad, because I know that the postman is just too dang lazy to bring it up here. AND almost every day we get mail for the people one block over. I wonder how much of our mail they are getting?? So anyway, we filed a complaint. If I don't have my jeans today by noon, someone's head's gonna roll.

I also discovered that the man I married is lazy beyond belief. I went to wash the dishes when we got home from work yesterday morning, and before I could start I had to take tons of trash off the counter from where he left it when he made his... I guess, dinner the night before. When I confronted him about it he said: "I don't like to throw stuff away because I have to open the trash can." Is this just a guy thing?? He made up for it by letting me cut out his incredibly painful ingrown toenail last night. Anyone who knows me, knows that I thrive on being able to pick at stuff like that. It's been suggested that I should go to dental hygenist school...perhaps, but I'm very offended by [really] bad teeth, and Ashlie told some horror stories.

Nothing's changing much around here...It's our weekend now and I hope we can have dinner at my parents house at least once because we don't have anything good to eat and I'm starving.

Ok well..sorry for the boring update, I guess thats....OH MY GOD, I just discovered the empty dish where Justin ate all the rest of the mango dessert he made last night!! I only got one little bit, and it was the last good thing we had!! ugh.

1 comment:

Brinkley said...

I didnt think you liked it... I am so sorry! I will figure out how to make this up to you!