Thanks Jen for posting
this link! These pictures are what I would have looked like had I graduated high school in 1952, when my grandmother graduated, or 1964. I think that in the 1964 picture, I look a lot like my aunt did, in her graduation from nursing school photo, which is really weird, since that happened a full 10 years later. The first set are my time warped pictures, the second are my grandmother and my aunt and the last one, obviously, is my own senior portrait. You should do this. It's fun!

You've got to get some of those glasses. That's all there is to it.
I agree! Aren't they hot! I'm the luckiest guy ever, my wife gets hotter and hotter every day! In fact if I stare at her (which I am prone to do) I can actually see her getting hotter. It's so weird!
oh goodness. I'm way too excited to do this!!!
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