This is not my secret, but it totally could be. When I was little, I always went for the broken toy. Even now I guess...Marlowe is missing about half of his tail.

Although, I wouldn't
ever buy baked beans in tomato sauce. they even really make that?
I still pick which pillow I will sleep with based on how long it's been since I slept with a particular one. If I feel like I've been neglecting one I'll use it.
I used to rotate my stuffed animals, alternately which one slept closest to me so that none of them would feel left out.
I'm not sure if that make me compassionate or narcissistic.
Yep, that's where my pillow thing originated, If my pet monster got slept with last night then Leo the Lion got slept with tonight. Ah I miss the days when my worries were so simple.
I don't do this with canned food because some body told me it would make me sick, but I do it with animals and people. Thats one reason I love black cats because they get such a bad rap. Some say thats what I did with boyfriends and now my hubby, who walks into walls.
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