This is my 200th blog post!
I wish that I had something more interesting to say here... Had I known before now, I would have come better prepared.
Instead of coming home and going straight to bed after work as is my usual routine, I stayed up, and my dad came and got me and we turned around and headed back to Lubbock. We had to go to the social security office to:

A. Finally turn in the paperwork for my name change. I really was just going to mail the stuff off, but they wanted my original marriage license, and I just didn't trust them to really mail it back to me.
B. Have a meeting with a caseworker about getting Stacy, my younger sister, on social security disability.
So, we got there, and there is a security guard arguing with a very old woman about what she can and cannot use to prove her identity in order to receive a new social security card. Hers was lost or stolen or something. He spoke in this incredibly annoying, overly patient tone of voice, {something that I, personally, could never master}, and managed to say the same thing about 20 times over. It was painfully clear that she wasn't getting it, but instead of changing his wording, or just giving her a list of acceptable documents he just kept saying the same words. It was maddening. Ten minutes later she left.
Then it was our turn. My dad and Stacy had a real appointment so they typed Stacy's social security number into the computer...and it promptly informed us that her appointment had actually been yesterday. Ookaaay... We take numbers and wait to be called. My dad is super frustrated at having gotten the date wrong. He could have sworn that it was the same day as his doctor's appointment, which was later this afternoon. Oh well...We waited for about 20 minutes, and they called me. I got my paperwork done very quickly, so I officially have a new addition to my last name, without a freakin' hyphen I might add. A ccouple of minutes later my dad and Stacy were called and the girl just made them a new appointment.
Then we left and ate at Dimbas, which is a fried food restaurant. {I think it's actually "Southern Cuisine" or something, but who are they kidding?} I had a couple of chicken strips and then we came home.
After narrowly avoiding several collisions we made it home and I got to bed at almost 1:00. So, naturally, I slept until 9:45 this evening and now I feel all out of whack. Hopefully, since we're off tomorrow {tonight} I can fix my sleep schedule without too much trouble.
Ok, it's time to watch some girly TV before Justin wakes up.
1 comment:
Happy 200th Post!
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