Mmh oh yes, but not Chinese Buffet's. That's gross.
2. How big is your bed?
Queen. Not big enough for me and Justin though, because I like to sleep diagonally.
3. Is your room clean?
There is Laundry EVERYWHERE.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?
5. Favorite comedian?
Caroline Rhea
6. Do you smoke?
No. Cigarettes are even grosser than the Chinese Buffet.
7. Does anyone like you?
Sometimes I wonder...
8. What’s the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?
Probably that among the current administration, she seems the least amount of crazy.
10. Sleep with or without clothes on?
Just panties
11. Who sleeps with you every night?
Nobody. I'm not really a share-er
12. Do long distance relationships work?
Worked for me...but only for a short time, I don't think that it would have worked long term. Thank goodness for U-Haul.
13. Pancakes or French Toast?
Mmmh French toast. With bacon...and Eggs. Ok I'm hungry.
14. Do you like coffee?
No, and I don't like anything that tastes like coffee...especially those deceptive jelly beans.
15. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled with ketchup.
16. Do you believe in astrology?
Oh I dunno, I like the stories behind the constellations, but I guess thats Mythology and not Astrology. I'm more likely to read tarot cards.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Oh...hmm It's been awhile.
19. Last person on your missed call list?
Unavailable... We're great friends. perhaps we should get together soon...
20. What was the last text message you received?
hahaha Like I'm that cool.
21. McDonalds or Burger King?
22. Number of pillows?
I start out with 6 and work my way down as I thrash.
23. Last thing you ate?
Cocoa Pebbles
24. Last thing you bought?
Two breakfast burritos
25. What are you hearing right now?
A documentary about samurai's on the History channel
26. Pick a lyric?
"Who put the bop in the bop sha bop du bop..."
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
Blackberry Jam, not Jelly...this time I accidentally bought preserves.
28. Can you play pool?
Heck Yeah, although it's a little phallic for me.
29. Do you know how to swim?
Yes, but I do not like to be wet.
30. Favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio
31. Do you like maps?
Um...it depends. I like them as decor...I do not like them as instructions. too bossy.
32. Tell me a random fact:
I found some brand new panties on my floor today, tag still on. It was like going to Disney Land.
33. Ever had a hard on at work?
I don't think this is applicable to me, but if you ask, I'll tell you a really embarassing story about a bathroom at the Randall County Courthouse.
34. Ever attend a theme party?
Uh, I was a theatre major, what do you think?
35. Ever do a keg stand?
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking?
I usually manage to make it back to my own bed
37. What is your favorite season?
Spring, singin in the rain and all that.
38. What is the first music video you ever saw?
To be honest, I haven't seen many and I don't remember.
39. Pick a movie quote:
Ok, wait I have two:
Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
-A Streetcar Named Desire
40. A Favorite quote:
From Dogma:
What He (God) really hates is the shit that gets carried out in his name. Wars. Bigotry. Televangelism.
41. What is your favorite Thirsty Thursday hangout?
I don't know what this means.
42. Best friend's name?
43. How long have you known them?
3 years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?
A couple of hours ago I was having a throw down with our dog...that made me laugh, and was stupid, so there ya go.
45. What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up at 5 o'clock this afternoon. We're on a night schedule.
46. Wake up next to anyone?
47. Best thing about winter?
Not having to run the air conditioner
48. Name a couple of favorite colors:
Green, Pink, Chocolate
49. How old are you?
50. What month is your birthday in?
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?
Yay pirates! especially the ones that look like Johnny Depp
52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?)
Crash, I think this is the only Dave Matthews Band song that most people can name off the top of their heads. How unfortunate.
53. What are you doing this weekend?
I have no idea. So far, this. And TV
54. Who will take this survey?
Oh...probably Jennifer
And the fun just goes on and on!
-- Name: Susanlee Bell Brinkley
--Birthplace: Lubbock, Texas
-- Current Location: Levelland, Texas
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: Dark brown, with a streak of gray, until I get paid.
-- Height: 5'6"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
-- Your Heritage: Irish/Dutch
-- The Shoes Worn Today: Black Old Navy Flip Flops
-- Your Weakness: Expensive Cheese
-- Your Fears: Sharks, Fish, Water...Most things wet, actually. And I'm terrified of rolling my ankle.
-- Your Perfect Pizza? Thin crust, easy sauce, hamburger, black olives, green olives, bell peppers
-- Goal You'd Like to Achieve: To figure out the goal that I want to achieve.
-- Your Thoughts First Waking Up: why is it so freaking hot??
-- Your Bedtime: 9:30 AM
-- Your Most Missed Memory: I miss having friends. We can't really miss memories unless we lose our memory...and then we wouldn't really remember it. This is a hard question.
-- Pepsi or Coke: diet pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: De Ja Vu
-- Single or Group Dates: Single, as there are no friends...
-- Adidas or Nike: um... sandals.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: None of the Above.
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or Coffee: Chai
-- Smoke: still no. Who wrote this thing? Phillip Morris?
-- Cuss: sort of, I really only use the F word.
-- Sing: yeah, but not in front of people anymore.
-- Shower Everyday: We only have this horrible bathtub
-- Have a Crush: married him.
-- Want to go to College? I'll probably do some more of that soon.
-- Like(d) High School: Yup.
-- Want to get Married: got it.
-- Believe in Yourself: Well, I do believe that I exist, I don't know how much that's worth though.
-- Get Motion Sickness: sometimes
-- Think You're Attractive: nah.
-- Think You're a Health Freak: I wish
-- Get Along with Your Parent(s): generally
-- Like Thunderstorms: I like thunder and clouds. I do not like rain.
-- Play an Instrument: I used to be able to play the harp, and the clarinet but I don't think I could do it now.
in the past month...
-- Drank Alcohol:We played drunk scrabble a couple of weeks ago
-- Smoked: Yeah, I actually just started about 15 seconds ago. This was a persuasive meme...bleh.
-- Done a Drug: Birth control...is that a drug you "do"?
-- Had Sex: perhaps...
-- Made Out: yes
-- Gone on a Date: yes
-- Gone to the Mall: no, and I can't believe that's true. I used to go like every other day.
-- Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos: no
-- Been on Stage: I wish.
-- Been Dumped: No, thank god.
-- Gone Skating: That is an ankle rolling hazard!!
-- Made Homemade Cookies: yesterday. and they were yummmo
-- Gone Skinnydipping: what is it with you people and water??
-- Dyed Your Hair: um...it's probably been 2 months
-- Stolen Anything: Not recently
Have you ever...
-- Played a Game that Required Removal of Clothing: of course I have, what is college for?
-- If so, was it Mixed Company: hello?? why would I play strip poker without someone i wanted to grope?
-- Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: Not often
-- Been Caught "Doing Something": This could mean a lot of things. I'll say yes.
-- Been Called a Tease: No, I'm the other kind of girl.
-- Age You Hope to be Married: I wanted to get married at 24, and missed it by exactly 2 weeks.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: zero
-- Describe Your Dream Wedding: Paid for.
-- What do youWant to be When You Grow Up: Right now, I'm leaning toward OR Tech...back to school again.
-- What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: I really want to go to Russia
in a girl: (Whoever wrote this was obviously trying to find out something about her crush...high school girl maybe?)
-- Best Eye Color? brown
-- Best Hair Color? Some kind of dark
-- Short or Long hair: medium
-- Height: short
-- Best Articles of Clothing: Shiny
-- Best First Date Location: Indian food on the night the belly dancers are there
-- Best First Kiss Location: forehead.
-- # Of Drugs Taken Illegally: Maybe 1, once.
-- # Of People I Could Trust With My Life: 2
-- # Of CDs That I Own: I have like 30...I know, this is a small number in todays music obsessed age.
-- # Of Piercings: down to 2
-- # Of Tattoos: also 2, I like things to be even
-- # Of Scars on my Body: I dunno, probably 5
Last Person Who...
-- Slept in Your Bed? Me. Oh, did you mean someone else? Justin took a nap there last night.
-- Saw You Cry? Justin
-- Made You Cry? see above.
-- Spent the Night at Your House? Besides the people that live here all the time? Dustin.
-- You Shared a Drink With? Again, I'm not a share-er
-- You Went to the Movies With? Justin
-- You Went to the Mall With? Justin
-- Yelled at You? Justin. Developing a pattern here...
-- Sent You an Email? Tiffany
Have You Ever...
-- Said "I love you"? Yes.
-- Been to New York? Yes, I love New York. They should put that on a T-shirt.
-- Been to Georgia? I try to avoid the deep south.
-- California? I love San Francisco too...that doesn't make as good a t-shirt though.
-- Hawaii? No, and I really really want to go, all of a sudden
-- China? No
-- Canada? Yes. It was cold.
-- Danced Naked? Not in front of people!
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? Not the next day, but sometimes a few days later. This might be de ja vu, where your brain just tricks you though
-- Stalked Someone? I'm way too lazy for that sort of thing
Pick One...
-- Apples or Bananas? Apples
-- Red or Blue? Blue
-- Walmart or Kmart? Target
-- Math or English? English.
-- Radio or CD? radio--Too lazy to deal with cd's
-- Drawing or Painting? painting
-- High school or College? I actually liked both.
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