This morning I leapt out of bed at the crack of dawn {9:30} all abuzz with visions of funnel cakes dancing in my head. I had in fact, had difficult sleeping last night because I was so excited, and I had happy dreams of parades all night long. I proceeded to make myself beautiful {by shaving my legs}, pick the perfect "summer festival" outfit {short skirt, tank top, flip flops}, and get Justin out of bed. Then it was off to the parade!! {The parade route actually goes right down the street at the end of our block hurray!}
Unfortunately, I had misunderstood the time that the parade was going to start, so by the time we walked the 10 yards to the end of the block, we had already missed the cheerleaders and the band {very disappointing, except for the firetrucks, those are the best parts}. But I still had hope that it would be okay because after all, there was still the Shriners in their tiny little cars, and the Sheriffs Posse {do they really still use the word "posse"?} on their big 'ol horses and best of all the firetrucks!!
Alas...it was still rather disappointing. Perhaps it was because I'm no longer 7 years old...or perhaps it was because Justin was grumpy, or perhaps it was simply that I'd built it up so much in my mind that of course it could never live up to the hype...but the parade sucked. {My younger brother did however look quite handsome in his new fire department uniform.}
I managed to get over the crushing disappointment of the parade, after all there was still all the glorious stuff on the square to think about. We gatherd our things {I switched from the skirt to some capris, due to a fat thigh problem} and headed off to the square with Maybe. Ok...so it seemed a little...dingy, and a little less glorious than I had imagined but that's ok right...?
Um...not so much. Most of the booths had turned into food vendors {hey, I love a corn dog as much as the next person, but is it worth waiting for half an hour?? I can pop one in the oven quicker than that!} There was nothing to do {hello? what happened to "event vendors" I want to throw a frikkin baseball and sink a clown!!} and the booths that sold stuff...well that was just crap. Lots of those weird vinyl balloons and gaudy costume jewelry {don't get me wrong, I do love the bling...just not when its a big purple crystal cross}.
So yeah...we did have an okay time...and we did get corndogs {Maybe got her very own hot dog, and I think I spied her eating a piece of funnel cake it was really here big day}, and we did find some stuff to buy {please, I can always find something to buy} I got a yummy wreath for the front door made of oranges, bay leaves and cinnamon sticks, and Justin got a cool hammered bronze bowl thing from the same vendor...but then we came home. It just wasn't worth standing around in the heat, and frankly, we had seen all there was to see...I did confirm that in fact, ESD used to be better. It wasn't just my imagination...and the only thing I can say is...what has happened to the small town American festival??
We are however going to attend South Plains College's summer musical tomorrow afternoon. I participated in said production for several years before I got out of here, and I'm sure that it will live up to expectations...it is the same director after all. {However, it is The Music Man, so there is some room for doubt...}
Anyway, in tribute to the Early Settlers Days of the past, I'm posting an old newspaper clipping {see above} of my dad pulling me in a wagon in the parade, Reading the date, I was 15 months old {it was a couple years before the trusted me not to fall off the firetruck}. We are dressed as clowns. I'm the small one.
{Editor's Note: We are going to give this festival thing another try...I think Canyon has something similar in October. Can one of my loyal Canyonite readers please find out when it is?}
By the way I am grumpy because I have a cold and it was really hot outside today.
But I thought it was fun. I am sure it is the same as how going to the fair used to be so much fun when we were little and now it just isnt the same.
Yes, there is a festival during one weekend in October... I think it's usually the first weekend, but I'll have to get back to you on that.
We had a 4th of July parade here and it sucked as well. And no marching band in it. They had a few booths as well but were filled with the same bling stuff and t-shirts. There was a dunking booth, however.
If you come up for the October festival, let me know and we'll go out to eat or something.
What Parade? How come I don't know about these things? Even a sucky parade is better than no parade at all! you are adorable by the way.
Almost Bronte size
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