I am so freakin' bored. I hate that our paydays are at the beginning of our work weeks (Tuesdays) because it means that on our weekends (Sunday-Monday) we don't have any money so we can't really do anything, and the rest of the week, we spend basically
all of our time either at work or driving to work or getting ready for work. I'm tired of watching TV, and reading, and searching the internet for drivel. I'm tired of cleaning the house and hanging out with my family I just want to
do something. It's too hot to hang out outside, (something like 104 degrees). At night, when it finally cools off the killer mosquitoes come out and drive us back into the house. This is maddening. AuGGGH!!
For your sake Susan I hate the fact that the days that you are painfully bored are the days that I am most content... I also hate that the fact that you are so bored preocupies me and keeps me from doing the things that I want to do... I love you and we have got to find you an outlet... or a hobby, smile... oh god I can't believe I just typed smile in my own conversation like that... bugh... (laughs) damn there it is again... (sigh)
Dang by the way I wasn't trying to say you ruin my day at all in that last comment! I am sorry you dont ruin my day!
Wait... no I am glad you dont ruin my day... cause you dont... uhm... I love you! uh... what you are wearing right now is very nice and makes you look wonderfully pretty!
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