On March 18th Justin and I ate at a Chinese restaurant, and when we opened our fortune cookies, we were astonished to see actual fortunes, instead of the crap that says "you are well liked" or whatever. This one said
"remember 3 months from this date, good things will be coming to you on that day." So, being the mildy superstitous girl that I am, I immediately put it in my day planner on today's date, June 18th. The three month anniversary of the fortune cookie. Well guess what? Not one good thing has happened today. It's just been a normal, boring day. We had dinner with my family, which was fine, but not special, and I don't particularly think it was great because my step mother was snarky from the moment we arrived. Justin and I bought some scratch off lottery tickets figuring, well, maybe we have to be proactive in reaching the good thing...but they were all losers, and now my hands smell like copper from counting pennies to purchase the tickets. *sigh* So now, instead of just being glad that Justin and I got through a day without a fight or any kind of drama, I'm disappointed because nothing fantastic has happened. Damn cookie.