Dress is not here. (should be here hopefully by next Wednesday.)
No Undergarments. (waiting on cash)
No Shoes.(waiting on cash)
No wedding band for me (waiting on cash)
No veil (waiting on cash)
No marriage license (gonna do that on Monday)
Invitations not mailed. (waiting on cash for postage)
Reception cards not printed. (waiting on guy at the church to return my call)
Cake not ordered. (again, waiting on cash for deposit)
Music not burned to cd. (waiting on Justin)

No idea who will take pictures. (original girl cancelled on us)
Pre-marital counselling not done. (our schedule change messed us all up)
Not tan. (waiting on cash yet again)
Justin's parents still MIA (even though he called his dad on Tuesday to say Happy Birthday)
And I'm sure there are at least 5 more not done things to add to that list that I can't think of right now. I'm basically exactly where I was at the beginning of this, excpet that now my aunt has a bedroom full of tulle, flowers, serving pieces and bubbles. This is a disaster. I am so stressed out that I could just burst into tears at any moment. This wedding is going to be a disaster....a cake and punch with no real food disaster. *sigh*
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