I have a new car. It's a happy blue Ford Focus ZX3. Pictures coming soon
Beth has moved out, and Justin has moved in. We have a very clean house, and hosted our first dinner party/barbeque last night. It was delicious.
We have new potential friends. Their names are Amanda and Zane. They were guests at the dinner party, and have been together for about the same amount of time as Justin and me. We're seeing "A Chorus Line" with them this weekend at the Campus Theatre.
Justin, his friend John, and I will be travelling to Levelland the weekend of the 17th to pick up some furniture that my very generous grandmother gave to me. We will be in Amarillo the following weekend for his sister, Ashley's wedding reception.
My younger brother and sister graduated from high school the last weekend in May, and turned twenty this past Saturday. I feel very old.
For the first time in a very long time, I'm really really content with everything in my world.

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