1. Today was payday (for Justin)! We now have groceries and another month of phone. Also, our grocery store does this thing each week where if you buy one thing you get a whole pile of other stuff free. Sometimes it's not a good deal, when it's something that we don't usually use, we skip it. However, today the thing to buy was a lasagna, which we enjoy and buy from time to time. So, we bought the lasagna and we got (for free!) a bag salad, a loaf of french bread, a case of bottled water, grated Parmesan cheese and a spatula! It was a particularly nifty deal because a) we use all of those things and b) my spatula has gone a bit melty, and the one they gave us is surprisingly nice. So yay!
2. This morning the plumbers came and we are back to 2 bathrooms, for the time being. They fixed the gigantic leak under our bathtub, so we no longer have a swimming pool under the house, and no more bugs can get in through the drain. In the next week or so, someone will come replace the floor. Yay again!
3. We got a Christmas card in the mail from my mom today, which contained
(drum roll please)..... Christmas Money! Exceptional, especially considering that we're dead broke (in spite of it being payday).
So, that's some extra cash for gas and groceries. Awesome.
4. Also in the mail, I got a coupon for $10 off a $10 or more purchase at Avenue. Actually, I got TWO of them so that's $20 of new clothes for FREE. Hopefully I can replace the sunglasses that I lost on the stupid plane with this...or maybe I'll be a grown up and get some actual clothing. We'll see.