G.I.S.T. 7:365
1. Watching old Christmas movies on TV.
2. Witnessing Marlowe and Maybe learn to fetch...they've always chased the ball, but now they know to bring it back.
G.I.S.T. 6:365
2. Watching Marlowe try to lick a melted marshmallow off his nose.
3. FREE inhalers and Zyrtec thanks to my aunt. I can now breathe and get through the day without sneezing so much that I think I might die.
4. Realizing that I'm sad because I've been out of tyrosine for a week and not because I'm spiraling into a dark place again.
Ghosts of Christmas Past

Grace in Small Things 5:365
Almost Forgot. Grace in Small Things 4:365
2. Justin liking the disaster that I made for dinner tonight...and the fact that he was smart enough to come up with a contingency plan for me, when I didn't like it.
3. My brother rushing right over to give me an inhaler when I couldn't breathe.
4. ChaCha finally working the way it's supposed to again. Mostly.
A Poll
Grace in Small Things 3:365

2. Knowing that even though things are tough right now, we've been through much worse, and it won't last forever.
3. Justin kissing me when he gets home from work in the mornings.
Down to One

We do have two bathrooms, so it's not really the end of the world. (Especially considering that I grew up in a household with 2 adults, 5 teenagers and 1 tiny bathroom.) The bad news is that the shower in my bathroom is teeny. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to shave my legs, or any of the other shower-y stuff that I like to do. I'm actually not sure that Justin can even turn around in my shower...it's basically a wet coffin. Ew. And also, I'm currently using the shower for storage, so I'm going to have to find a new place for my suitcases. But oh well, when it's all said and done we'll have a totally non-scary bathroom, with a new floor. Yay!
PS: I just watched Marlowe snatch a fly out of the air. Impressive, no?
Grace in Small Things: 2 of 365
2. The way I feel carrying my paisley corduroy hippie purse.
3. The massage Justin just gave me.
4. Seeing Barack Obama on TV and suddenly remembering that he's going to be president.
5. Clementines.
A Project
1. My dad bringing me soup last night when I felt sick.
2. The heaviness of the quilt on my bed.
3. How happy Marlowe and Maybe were to see me when I got home on Thursday.
Be It Ever So Humble
The bad news is, that it's cold! I have a huge pile of blankets on my bed and a blanket on the sofa and the heater is on (but not very high) and I'm still freezing. The main problem is my bathroom, where there is no heating vent, and so it's very, very cold in there. Not exactly what one looks for in a room where they're regularly naked. But whatever. The chilly weather gives me an excuse to wear my new black peacoat and the hat that I stalked for a week on Etsy before Justin bought it for me. I am totally addicted to Etsy.
Today I went to Holiday Happening with my aunt, which is basically a huge "getting ready for Christmas" event, with all sorts of vendors. My dad was playing Santa Claus (he's amazing, it's really like his calling or something) and it was the first time I've seen him since I got home so they locked the children out for a minute while I hugged him and then the photographer took my picture with Santa/Dad. I'll post it when I get it. I'm really tired and probably going to bed soon, but I wanted to post an update so that you'd know I didn't get lost on a layover or miss my plane or any other terrible thing.
PS: I don't think I posted enough pictures from my trip, so here's me with a giant turtle in Chinatown.
The One Where Keith Olbermann Makes Me Cry
Magic Berries

In the past couple of weeks, I've been very sensitive about...well everything really. I've been very emotional about babies and people who are being wronged and people who are in need. And now, I'm feeling sorry for George W. Bush. I think my new birth control may be a bit too high dose.
The movie, although many of the characters were poorly cast, did have an exceptional soundtrack. I will have Willie Nelson in my head for the next 3 days, at least.
On Eight
To put it simply, Prop. 8 is shameful. It is not okay to discriminate against a person based on their sexuality, just as it is not okay to discriminate against them based on their race, gender, or religion. This proposition is very clearly discrimination. People are very sensitive about the word marriage, even our new president-elect, who I feel to be a very compassionate, smart, open-minded guy has said that while he believes in equal rights for homosexual couples, he doesn't necessarily agree with the word "marriage" being used to describe their relationship. I completely disagree with this. Marriage is a contract, not some magical transformation. Anyone who is over the age of 18 in this country is able to sign a contract, why are we taking that right away from people based on their sexual preference? It's like saying that a person couldn't have a mortgage if they were black, or couldn't have a car loan because they were Catholic. There is no reason that gay and lesbian couples shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else, except perhaps "because god said so," which, quite frankly, I'm pretty sure he didn't, and even if that was the case, we are supposed to have a separation of church and state in this country.
The government, by allowing same-sex marriage, would not be forcing any church to perform these ceremonies. No one is going to chain pastors to their pulpits and make them do something that they believe is morally wrong, but at the same time, the church should not have the power to determine which people have basic rights. The right to enter into a contract. The right to be married.
The other argument I keep hearing is that by allowing same-sex couples to marry, we are somehow violating the "sanctity of marriage." You know what violates the sanctity of marriage? DIVORCE, quickie weddings in Las Vegas between people who barely know each other and teenagers getting married just because one of them happens to get pregnant. If marriage is a scared institution, why are we so casual about it? (As long as it's between straight people.) Furthermore, the group with the highest rate of divorce in this country, are those that scream the loudest about the "sanctity of marriage." Isn't that interesting? Besides that, how exactly, does someone else's relationship effect theirs? Just because the neighbors may beat their children (they don't, by the way) doesn't mean that Justin and I would be bad parents. Why would someone else getting married effect the "sanctity" people at all? They should mind their own buisness.
Texas: Improving.

The tiger was a gift from an unnamed supporter for his 56th birthday. Prime Minister Putin says he will be donating the animal to a zoo or wildlife preserve, and that he thinks he'll name her Mashenka or Milashka.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new president (elect) and his name is BARACK OBAMA!

Also, I know Michelle Obama got in trouble for saying this, but it's absolutely true: For the first time in my life, I am really proud of my country.
Election Night Drinking Game
Take a sip of your red drink if:
- McCain wins a state.
- Anyone utters the word “maverick.”
- Joe the Plumber makes an appearance. (double points if he’s gotten his plumber’s license)
- A pundit implies that Sarah Palin is hot.
- Someone refers to Barack Obama as a socialist.
- Anyone says anything nice about George W. Bush.
Take a sip of your blue drink if:
- Obama wins a state.
- Anyone utters the word “historic” in reference to Obama’s campaign.
- Hillary Clinton makes an appearance. (double points if Bill shows up too)
- A pundit implies that John McCain is senile.
- Someone mentions Tina Fey.
- Anyone says anything nice about John Kerry.
Take one sip from both drinks if:
A news anchor declares that a race is “too close to call.”
Throw in the towel if:
A news anchor announces that, once again, Florida is the presidential tie-breaker.
PS: You only get to play if you actually voted!!
A Different Sort of Election
So, take a break from the presidential election hullabaloo and go vote for Eli!! Here's the link.
How could you resist this face?

PS: If you haven't already voted in the actual election yet, don't forget that tomorrow is your LAST CHANCE!