I'm not sure exactly when I'm going to post the exciting news. It sort of depends on when the person who it most directly involves finds out about it. I think it will probably be Saturday. There's been some speculation among you (
Terroni) so I am going to go ahead and tell you that it's not what you think it is, because I know what you think it is. Let's face it, it's not
that exciting. *grin*
I'm quite sure you will all be disappointed, but I'm excited about it anyway.
Oh my god I just saw the funniest commercial I have ever seen.
It's a porcupine, and she says "when I have a feminine itch"
and then a skunk says "and there's odor"
and then a blowfish says "do people notice?"
Well sweeties I'm pretty sure the first thing they notice is that you gals are um
I have no idea what this commercial is for, as I fast forwarded after the animals were gone but I don't think I've ever been so entertained. I'm going to rewind and buy whatever it is that they are selling, even though, to save myself from embarassment, I'll say at the cash register "I don't actually need this product, but the commercial is