To Take My Mind Off Things
spell it backwards: nasus
spell it with your elbow: dsjss n
spell it with your eyes shut: susan
spell it with your forehead: xduhjsdazqhy
spell it with your nose: suwan
spell it with your chin: suhza n
Justin caught me trying to do it with my nose and scolded me for getting oil from my hair on the screen. There's not any oil on the screen. Ha! It was embarassing though...Try it!
Fat Girl Revolution

The Hot Fat Girl Manifesto
Because being a hot fat girl is a lot of work and is undervalued or unrecognized.
Because a fat girl still has to pay more money for uglier clothes or spend 11 hours at the thrift store to find anything hot to wear.
Because if you take the elevator, people think you're lazy but if you're on the treadmill, people laugh.
Because men like John Goodman and Bernie Mac get to have careers on television but sitcom-moms-of-three still have size-two waists.
Because even feminist magazines publish fat-phobic articles under the guise of it being a "health issue."
Because anti-capitalist activists still use expressions like "fat capitalist pig."
Because girls are dieting at the age of nine.
Because side effects of the most popular diet drugs are seizures, heart failure, fecal urgency, breast cancer, lung disease, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, dangerously high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, psychosis, strokes, hallucinations and sudden death.
Because the Cooper Institute's ongoing study of 30,000 people has found that those who are fittest live the longest, no matter what they weigh.
Because the doctor who said that there were 30,000 "obesity-related" deaths each year received over $2 million in research funding from Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
Because that study prompted the FDA to approve Phen-Phen and Redux.
Because fat-hatred is a money-making industry.
Because fat people who exercise live longer than thin people who don't.
Because if you lose weight 'cause you're sick, people telling you how great you look.
Because fat-hatred is so ingrained in every single one of us, especially inside the heart of even the hottest fat girl.
Because even the most progressive people don't talk or write about it.
Because I am tired of being ignored, invisible, de-sexualized and told that I have such a pretty face.
Because it's not fat that kills, it's fear of fat.
For all that and more I am a part of the HOT FAT GIRL REVOLUTION!
(first posted in Shamless Magazine 2005)So There!
The Update.
New Box Total
Too Much Stress.
This stress killing me. I've been sick to my stomach every day this week. I look old. I have lots of new gray hair. I ache in weird places and I don't know how much of this I can take. I haven't even gotten as much done as I should, but now I have new boxes and I've moved from 11 to 16 today. More packing will happen this weekend. At this point it's mostly the kitchen and bedrooms that need serious work, the living room is pretty much gutted... I want to curl up and cry, perhaps I'll watch Ellen instead.
So that's the update.
One Year


The Edge
Justin just said "don't look at my computer screen for a minute." I wonder what he's looking at...oh a shark. Good thing I didn't look. Things in the water scare me. Especially things with teeth. Ok I have to go watch Heroes (only 2 episodes left!!) and decompress for a bit.
Oh yeah, I know I'll probably go directly to hell for saying this, but I'm really freakin' glad that Jerry Falwell is finally dead. Maybe Pat Robertson is next in line.
One more thing, I'm really tired of hearing about John Edwards expensive haircut. (Are you reading this Mike Huckabee?) If the only bad thing they can find to say about the guy is that he overpays for a trim, I say move him into the white house this weekend...Maybe he'll send me the left over boxes.
We're working days this week, as we are in a training class. I'm hoping that the new computer system that we are learning will stave off the burn-out that I've been feeling for awhile. I just really don't know how much longer I can take it. Justin and I are looking for new jobs now. Justin has a couple of pretty good leads, but so far the best I've been able to find is substituting the next school year. Maybe I can hold on until August.
We do have some very good news on top of all the yuck. My step-dad, James, has gotten a new pick up and he and my mom are giving his old truck (a 1998 Nissan something), to Justin. This will make our lives much easier. Now we can find work at seperate places and in a couple of semesters, all of Justin's classes will be one town over, so he'll need some way to get over there. We're flying down to College Station in a few weeks to pick it up and drive it back, assuming that we can get moved etc. in time. We're supposed to be out of this house by June 1st. I'm hoping that we can fly down to College Station on June 14.
So, that's the news for now. More as and when.
Happy Mother's Day

Maybe I sent in this secret and forgot...Anyway, anyone who hasn't been to Post Secret should totally make it a weekly routine. It certainly helps me feel less alone.
Now back on subject, to all my mommy friends out there, I hope you have a great Mother's Day complete with breakfast in bed someone else making dinner!!
Pomp and Circumstance
Anyway, we finally convinced him that his clothes were fine, and this is what we looked like at the party:
Here are Justin, Ashlie and Nikaia at the party:

Now if we can get Justin the rest of the way through school, we'll all live happily ever after. :)
Poor Maybe
The first few minutes are the worst I think, she wanders around the house rubbing it on stuff thinking she'll find the magic unlatch corner or something and then she sort of loses the will to live and lays down for about 2 minutes. After she realizes the drama isn't helping, she's just a very well behaved dog the rest of the night, and she gets to sleep in a soft bed and chase cats at will. See, we're not really the bad guys.
In non-dog news, Justin's done with school for the summer. His A&P teacher told him that he's the best student she's ever had and a whole handful of other great things, and he aced his final. His English teacher was a psychopath, but he still managed to get out with a B, so that worked out okay.
We're leaving in the morning after work for Amarillo. Justin's sister is graduating from dental hygienist school, so in honor of that, I am posting a picture of her cleaning Justin's teeth. :)
Yay Ashlie!!
Good To Know.
Discover Your Compatibility
It's My Party.

The computer is working on life support. Justin spent most of today trying to get our fried hard drive to work so that he can finish off the last of his school work for the semester. It was stressful, but for now, it is working.
So, everybody eat dessert for me today!
Something has changed, and I don't like it. Last week, and yesterday, I was so tired that I couldn't stay up past 3pm. So both days I was like "oh I'm just going to sleep for 2 hours, please wake me up." And Justin, with fear in his heart (I'm not good at being awakened), agreed. Both days I yelled at him and went back to bed...Last week I ended up just sleeping right through until 5am. That's like 16 hours of sleep! And it's not like I needed it either. I woke up multiple times fully ready to wake up, but I didn't get up because Justin was in bed and there's nothing to do at 1am and I didn't just want to watch tv etc. So yesterday it happened again. I didn't want a repeat performance though, so I made myself get up at 8 (even though I was sulky and prickly) and stay up for a few hours, before going back to bed. I managed to get it down to about 11 hours of sleep, which is much less obscene.
So, now it's 5:30am and I'm going to do everything I can to stay up 'til a decent time tonight. Like at least 9:30. It's my birthday weekend, and I don't want to sleep through the festivities.