Well we're back from our trip. It was generally a good time, the flights were uneventful as usual and there were no major fights the entire trip. We did some fun shopping with our Christmas money and got to eat at some good places and see the George Bush Library, which if you haven't been to, is a really fun place to go.
The only downside to the trip is that the entire time my mom harassed me about my weight. Hello, fat people know we're fat. It's not a secret that you have to whisper to us in the car on the way to the pizza place. It's not something that we have to be reminded of every hour or so by concerned citizens. Clearly my mom doesn't understand this. At one point while I was in the bathroom she even said to Justin "I'm really sorry Susan has gained so much weight since the wedding." (I've gained maybe 8 or 10 pounds geez.) He immediately told her that it was inappropriate behavior for her to say things like that to him
{Justins Note: I don't actually know if she heard me or not. I was scared} , so instead she got me alone every chance she could and told me how much I need to watch what I eat, and that 2 mini bagles (240 calories) is way to much for
anyone to eat for breakfast. Needless to say my struggling self esteem has taken a nose dive. Again.
Yeah, I'm fully aware that I need to lose weight. I actually have been walking what I think amounts to 1 and a half miles at work every night on my lunch hour and break. I've been eating healthier. I've lost 4 pounds in about a month. Yes I know that's not record breaking, but at least it's something. At least I'm trying. I shouldn't have had to cry every day of my vacation. Justin's mom is giving us a treadmill. Apparently they're closing ranks. I wish I had the willpower to get an eating disorder.